Post at 3 March 2022

At the forefront of protected areas conservation and protection, local communities participate in patrols, restoration activities and are even co-managers of protected areas. More than that, they are taking steps to become less dependent on natural resources. Together, let’s discover these start-ups, whose efforts deserve to be supported.

During the month of February, in collaboration with protected areas managers, FAPBM conducted a digital campaign to publicise communities’ achievements. To this end, internet users were encouraged to share publications about these achievements. Some important figures joined the campaign voluntarily, namely: igersmadagascar, Jay L’Exploratrice, Baonjava Monika, Marie Christina Kolo, Mbolatiana Raveloarimisa. We warmly thank the managers who offered the gifts.

If you too would like to support the protected areas and their communities in any way, or buy their products, please contact the managers directly:

–           Apiculture of Agnalazaha: Fidy Ratovoson

–           Apiculture of Beanka: Radosoa Andrianaivoarivelo

–           Apiculture of Mandrozo: Stephanie Razakaratrimo

–           Apiculture and salt industry of Antrema: Tharcile Ralinigny

–           Basketry of the Mahavavy Kinkony Complex: Randrianjatovo Solofoson

–           Woodcarving of Fanamby: Mbola Ramiandrasoa

–           Coconut oil factory of Tsimembo: Stephanie Razakaratrimo

–           Apiculture of Maromizaha: Andrianantenaina Haja Tahina

–           Ecotourism in Oronjia: Jeremie Razafitsalama

–           Ecotourism in Analalava: Tilahimena Anselme