Post at 3 March 2022

The Directorate of Protected Areas, Renewable Natural Resources and Ecosystems (DAPRNE) has invited its close partners to its annual reforestation. On 11 February 2022, teams from FAPBM led by the Executive Director, Alain Liva Raharijaona, joined the DAPRNE and its partners (among which MNP, Group of Madagascar’s fauna and flora exporters) for this civic duty.

Nearly 2,000 plants were planted in the Manankazo forestry station (north of the capital Antananarivo) by the participants. Among the species planted were acacia, tavolo, harongana, afotra, mongy hasina, fanala sopatra, mokaranana, handrarezina. Young plants evolution will be monitored and maintained by the local team of the MEDD.

This physical participation – coupled with financial support – is in line with the long-standing collaboration between FAPBM and the MEDD within the framework of improving protected areas management. Most recently, the Director of DAPRNE has joined the Financing Committee of FAPBM’s Board of Trustees. Among other ongoing projects, FAPBM and the MEDD are working closely on the reform of the environmental and social management framework of protected areas, as well as on the financing mechanism to be implemented for Menabe Antimena new protected area.