Post at 2 May 2022

FAPBM, as a member of the Alamino Board, responded to the officialization by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), on March 26, 2022, of the 10 principles of effective reforestation. This practical guide book was designed jointly with the Alamino Initiative which is a thing thank aiming to “regreen” Madagascar, and with the support of INDRI (Initiative for Development, Ecological Restoration and Innovation). FAPBM was represented by Evah Ralalarisoa (Internal Control Officer) and Elysabeth Razanamiarana (Consultant in charge of GEF6-Marine Protected Area).

Thanks to these 10 principles, FAPBM will better focus its interventions in the protected areas in terms of reforestation and the deforestation control, both in terms of activities to be funded in the annual plan and the evaluation of outcomes and impacts of the actions funded. Here are the 10 principles:

1- A long-term commitment

2- A landscape approach

3- Taking into account local interests

4- Strong local involvement

5- An effort to secure land tenure

6- A well planned planting system

7- A choice of adapted species

8- Trained workers

9- A coordinated approach

10- Good use and reinforcement of available information.