Post at 28 June 2022

“Promoting sound management within the Madagascar Protected Areas System” is the fourth axis of FAPBM’s strategic plan, an essential parameter for its funding to be effective. However, the implementation of this axis requires a close collaboration with experts. Within this framework, FAPBM supports emerging initiatives on these priority themes, which are, among others, the fight against fires, the environmental and social safeguarding of protected areas, the development of a multi-sector strategy, local advocacy for the mobilization of private funds. Among those that FAPBM has joined are the following:

  • The World Environment Day: International Days, including that of the Environment, are an opportunity to conduct actions of Information – Education – Communication (IEC) for biodiversity preservation. On the occasion of the World Environment Day on June 05, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) organized firewall maintenance activities on the reforestation site of Ampangabe (Suburb of Antananarivo). Ranto Randriantsoa, Grants Officer, joined this national celebration. FAPBM conducted throughout the month of June 2022 its digital information campaign on funded the protected areas;
  • The FIRE workshop: As part of the Fitantanana maharitra ho lovainjafy Project (sustainable management for prosperity) on June 13 and 14, Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) organized a seminar on fire management. The objective was to collect existing knowledge (best practices), identify gaps in the current knowledge and challenges for effective practices. FAPBM, through its Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, was invited to report on the discussions held during the webinar on June 10, 2022 (see article).
  • The “MiRARI – Mitantana ara-dRARIny” Project: FAPBM welcomes the A
    Agronomy Department of the University of Antananarivo (ESSA Forêts) initiative in collaboration with Bangor University for this project whose purpose is to strengthen managers and local communities’ capacity for more resilient and equitable conservation. Invited to the launch on June 17, 2022 in Antananarivo (Madagascar), FAPBM is pleased that the reform of the national policy framework for social and environmental safeguards in Madagascar’s protected areas is a component of the project. In 2021, financial support from FAPBM helped the completion of the preliminary work on communication materials and consultations related to the reform, within the framework of a tripartite agreement ESSA-Forêts- FAPBM-Ministry of Environment;
  • The COMBO+ or COnservation, Minimization of Impacts and Offsetting project: The objective of the project is to reconcile economic development with the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in 6 Africa and Asia countries, by contributing to the definition and implementation of policies aiming at no net loss or even net gain of biodiversity by 2025. Already involved in the first phase of the project, FAPBM has joined WCS and Biotope, initiators of the project in Madagascar, as an implementing partner. FAPBM seeks, through its participation, to strengthen its capacity to replicate and monitor offset funding for protected areas;