Post at 23 July 2020

In 2005, the meeting of contributors to the capital of FAPBM was held for the first time. The three entities under whose impetus FAPBM was founded were the first to participate: WWF, Conservation International and the Malagasy government.

In 2019, this annual meeting was held in Isalo under the direction of Mrs Sahondra RAJOELINA, President of the Board of Trustees, with the participation of the whole board of trustees and the other contributors who joined the first three::

    • KFW, the German development bank
    • AFD, the french Development Agency (AFD)

More than a meeting, this event is for the FAPBM a time for constructive exchanges with its capital contributors to better advance its mission of “contributing to sustainable human development through the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity through the mobilization of sustainable funding sources for the Protected Areas System in Madagascar”.

It was also an opportunity for contributors to the capital to visit Isalo National Park (funded by FAPBM since 2019) and to welcome the new trustees :

  • Uwe Klug, Principal sectoral expert in biodiversity;
  • Dimbindraibe Ratafika, from the Environmental and Sustainable Development Ministry;
  • Hanta-Zo Rakotovao, Head of regulatory and legal department at Orange Madagascar and Orange Money Madagascar