FAPBM has granted a Special Intervention Fund to the Nosivolo protected area to restore order to the management of this site through the operationalisation of a mixed control brigade and the revitalisation and securing of the Village Conservation Associations. This protected area, managed by the Cercle d’Etude Multidisciplinaire sur l’Environnement et la Santé (CEMES) is a victim of gold panning and illegal fishing which threaten its core area. Those in charge on the spot are also the target of various threats. The fund granted by the Foundation will enable : the organization and implementation of the mission of control and restoration of order of the joint control brigade; the implementation of environmental education activities on the legislation governing PA and natural resources, as well as the role of hard cores and ecosystem services will be carried out; the revitalisation and operationalisation of the village control and management committee. The Special …
Month: July 2020
FAPBM manages a Qit Minerals Madagascar biodiversity offset fund
FAPBM manages the Qit Minerals Madagascar biodiversity offset fund. This fund is intended for the conservation of New Protected Area of Agnalazaha (NPA) managed by the Missouri Botanical Gardens. This NPA covers 2,747 hectares at an altitude of less than 50 meters in the rural commune of Mahabo-Mananivo, 55 km from Farafangana. The compensation funds aim at measurable results in terms of nature conservation as a result of actions to offset the residual negative impacts of development projects after appropriate avoidance and mitigation measures have been taken. In the case of QMM, the ecological compensation measure was voluntary. Madagascar is one of the first African countries to promote the establishment of offset sites. In this sense, FAPBM is a stakeholder in the COMBO project (conservation, impact minimization and compensation for biodiversity), initiated by the Wildlife Conservation Society and financed by the FFEM-AFD. This project aims to promote the development of …
15th meeting with the FAPBM’s capital contributors in Isalo
In 2005, the meeting of contributors to the capital of FAPBM was held for the first time. The three entities under whose impetus FAPBM was founded were the first to participate: WWF, Conservation International and the Malagasy government. In 2019, this annual meeting was held in Isalo under the direction of Mrs Sahondra RAJOELINA, President of the Board of Trustees, with the participation of the whole board of trustees and the other contributors who joined the first three:: KFW, the German development bank AFD, the french Development Agency (AFD) More than a meeting, this event is for the FAPBM a time for constructive exchanges with its capital contributors to better advance its mission of “contributing to sustainable human development through the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity through the mobilization of sustainable funding sources for the Protected Areas System in Madagascar”. It was also an opportunity for contributors to the capital …
FAPBM celebrates International Day of Forests
Forests are the origin of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat or even the drugs we use to look after ourselves. By providing us with those essential elements for our existence, forests play a central role that is unfortunately often neglected. This is the reason why, this year 2017, the Foundation for the Protected Areas and the Biodiversity of Madagascar joined the celebration of the International Day of Forests held in Tulear. An awareness campaign on the essential role played by forests took place during these two days. There was also a half day of mangrove reforestation. Protecting forests means preserving our life. That is the reason why FAPBM acts to perpetuate the conservation by financing the protection of around 3 million hectares of protected areas spread over 31 sites. …
FAPBM is getting into Impact Investing
Acting for the conservation of biodiversity and supporting the local economy: FAPBM has decided to embark on this path through impact investing. A quarter of the capital of the Foundation, a little more than 12 million Euros, is therefore dedicated to this type of investment that tends to have a positive social and / or environmental impact while generating a financial return. In Madagascar, through the ADENIA IV fund, FAPBM supports job creation on the Big Island and therefore the national economy by investing in various companies established on the island. The portfolio for impact investing is also placed in countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America : The REAFII fund in the field of renewable energy in Africa The CASEIF III fund focused on SMEs from different sectors (small industries, agro-food industry, renewable energy, education) in Central America for job creation and the protection of the environment Beyond the …