Antananarivo, 6 December 2021- The Ministry of Economy and Finance of Madagascar (MEF) and the German development bank KfW have signed two contracts for financial assistance worth a total of 45,7 million euros for the protection of Madagascar’s biodiversity. This endowment will be used to contribute to the capital of the Madagascar Foundation for Protected Areas and Biodiversity (FAPBM). The income generated by this capital will provide protected areas and local communities with means to sustainably strengthen the fight against the growing pressures on the country’s biodiversity and natural resources. The priority area of German development cooperation in Madagascar is environmental protection, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in the energy and agriculture sectors. Through KfW, the German government has been committed to the sustainable financing of the Madagascar Protected Areas System (SAPM) for more than 30 years, either through direct financing of Madagascar National Parks (MNP) or …