

Ambatovaky special reserve, Category IV


Madagascar National Parks (MNP)

Surface area

78,139 ha

Geographic location

Province of Toamasina; Analanjirofo Region; District of Soanierana Ivongo

International label

Key Biodiversity Area, Important Bird Area (IBA)

Flagship Species

Ambatovaky Special Reserve is characterized by natural vegetation made up of lowland and medium altitude moist evergreen forests. It ensures the biological connectivity between the Masoala National Park through Makira Natural Park, Northern Mananara National Park and Zahamena National Park.

Ambatovaky Special Reserve is home to 31 species of mammals, including 11 species of lemurs, and 109 species of birds.  The herpetofauna is represented by 75 species (reptiles and amphibians).

The flora is represented by 49 species, 92% of which are endemic to Madagascar, and distributed in 31 Families.

Ambatovaky - FAPBM


11 species

3 critically endangered (among which the Indri indri or the “Babakoto”), 1 endangered (the nocturnal lemur Aye-aye) and 3 vulnerable


109 species

4 endangered (among which the Madagascan Serpent Eagle or Firasabé) and 6 vulnerable (among which the Madagascan Pranticole)


33 species

1 vulnerable


42 species


5 species

3 vulnerable, including the Fossa and
the Malagasy Civet

Other mammals

15 species

1 vulnerable


49 species

44 endemic to Madagascar (92%): 2 palm species critically endangered, 3 endangered and 5 other woody species as vulnerable
2 local endemics (4%), both of which critically endangered

Landscapes and habitats

Lowland moist evergreen forest, medium altitude moist evergreen forest, low shrubby thickets, rupicolous vegetation, secondary forests and thickets.
Particularity: existence of several sacred sites where different rituals are performed.

Pressures and threats

Clearing and slash-and-burn agriculture, mining and cash crops, selective logging, collection of non-timber forest products, animal trapping, lack of law enforcement, human demographics, land acquisition issues.

Economic value

Many rivers take their sources in Ambatovaky Reserve which is a real water tower for all the surrounding area.

Local communities'initiatives

Like all protected areas managed by MNP, Ambatovaky Special Reserve management is a collaborative co-management with the participation of local community members in conservation and development activities. They are brought together in the CLP (Local Park Committee) and the COSAP (Protected Areas Orientation and Support Committee).

FAPBM’s efforts and results

FAPBM's support for Ambatovaky Reserve started in 2014. For protected areas managed by MNP, FAPBM ensures the salary costs and some operating costs security.

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