

Harmonious Protected Landscape, Category V


Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)


139 409 ha

Geographic Location

Antsiranana; Diana Region; Ambanja District

International label

Key Biodiversity Area

Flagship Species

Ankivonjy has a strong landscape value. It specifically shelters the island of Nosy Iranja with

its two islets Iranja Kely and Iranja Be connected by a white sand bank uncovered at low tide, the island of Ankazoberavina with its dense vegetation identical to that of the rainforest of the East, Nosimborona Island, Nosy Ankisomany the Sugar Loaf Ankivonjy, and the bay of the Russians surrounded by mangrove forest. 

It is also distinguished by its richness in biodiversity belonging mainly to the marine domain.

Ankivonjy - FAPBM


4 species

1 is critically endangered, namely the Madagascar fish eagle


5 species

1 critically endangered (hawksbill turtle), 1 endangered (green turtle) and 3 vulnerable (olive ridley turtle, loggerhead turtle and leatherback turtle)

Marine mammals

9 species

1 endangered (the blue whale) and 2 vulnerable (the sperm whale and the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin)

Rays and sharks

25 species

3 of which are critically endangered (great hammerhead, scalloped hammerhead, thorny skate), 4 endangered (e.g. zebra shark, whale shark, manta ray)

Landscapes and habitats

Grouping of islets and islands, coral reefs, mangroves, phanerogam meadows

Pressures and threats

Bad fishing practices (non-compliant fishing gear, overfishing, poaching, illegal fishing), oil exploration, hyper sedimentation, marine pollution, finning, bycatch, shellfish harvesting, tourism pressures, climate change, illegal cutting of mangrove wood

Economic value

Fishing and tourism activities are a source of income for the population around the PA

Initiatives of the populations

The establishment of a "dina" (local social convention), which is approved, kept up to date and whose application is monitored, testifies to the great involvement of the local communities in the establishment of rules for access to resources in the MPA, including the management of traditional fishing. Control and surveillance committees (CCS) have also been set up to patrol and monitor infractions. These CCS receive support in material and equipment as well as periodic capacity building in order to better perform their tasks in the conservation of the MPA.

FAPBM contribution

Financial support from FAPBM to the Ankivonjy marine protected area began in 2022. This funding ensures the implementation of conservation activities (patrols and surveillance, ecological monitoring, IEC, etc.), support to communities and local management structures, and covers part of the salary and operating costs of the management unit.

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