

Marojejy National Park, Category II


Madagascar National Parks (MNP)

Surface area

60 050 ha

Geographic Location

Province of Antsiranana; Region of Sava; Districts of Andapa and Sambava

International label

UNESCO World Heritage (as a serial property "Atsinanana Rainforests"), Key Biodiversity Area (KBA), Important Bird Area (IBA), Alliance Zero Extinction (AZE) site

Flagship Species

Marojejy National Park is part of the serial World Heritage Site of the Atsinanana Rainforests. The rugged landscape and mountain topography of the national park have created a great number of different natural habitats within the park.

The ecosystems are made up of altimontane forest (cloud forest), one of the last in Madagascar. Depending on the orientation of the slopes, one can even see different vegetation ranging from rain forests to more or less dry forests.

Marojejy - FAPBM


11 species

1 critically endangered, 4 endangered (including the nocturnal Aye-aye lemur) and 6 vulnerable


119 species

5 endangered (including the Madagascar snake or Firasabe and the Malagasy grebe) and 7 vulnerable


84 species

6 locally endemic of which 2 are classified as endangered and 1 as vulnerable
2 other reptile species critically endangered, 2 endangered and 10 vulnerable


74 species

14 locally endemic, of which 6 are classified endangered and 4 vulnerable
6 other amphibian species are also endangered and 8 vulnerable


6 species

3 vulnerable, including the fosa and the Malagasy civet


14 species

2 vulnerable, namely the Madagascar flying fox

Other mammals

32 species

1 vulnerable


1302 species

1 010 endemic to Madagascar (79%): 2 critically endangered, 6 endangered (including 3 palms) and 2 vulnerable;
84 local endemics (7%) including 1 palm species critically endangered and 2 other flora species vulnerable

Landscapes and habitats

Lowland moist evergreen forest, medium altitude moist evergreen, montane ericoid thicket, rupicolous vegetation, secondary forest, secondary thicket.

Pressures and threats

Hardwood collection, hunting, collection of non-timber forest products, uncontrolled fires, invasive plants.

Economic value

The park is a regulator of the water cycle irrigating the Andapa basin and outlying areas.

Local communities'initiatives

Like all protected areas managed by MNP, the management of Marojejy National Park is collaborative co-management with the participation of local community members in conservation and development activities. They are grouped in the CLP (local park committee) and the COSAPs (protected areas orientation and support committee).

FAPBM efforts for 15 years in the site and results

The FAPBM's support for the Marojejy National Park began in 2007 when the German Government's Sinking Fund was set up to cover the salary costs and some operating costs. Marojejy National Park has benefited from funds from the UNESCO World Heritage Center for the implementation of measures against the exploitation of precious woods from 2016-17. The conservation status of the protected area and conservation targets has been impacted by these massive logging of precious woods from 2009 to 2014. Currently, ecological integrity is improving.

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