

National Park category II


Madagascar National Parks (MNP)


862 ha

Geographic Location

Antsiranana Province; Diana Region; Nosy Be District

International label

Key Biodiversity Area, Important Bird Area (IBA)

Flagship Species

The Lokobe forest represents one of the last remnants of lowland dense evergreen forest in the Sambirano phytogeographic domain. Two main ecosystems are found in the park: the terrestrial ecosystem and the marine ecosystem. The terrestrial parcel of Lokobe shelters remarkable species like lemurs with very restricted distribution, and threatened species of palms such as Dypsis ampasindavae. The marine parcel located south of the terrestrial parcel is made up of coral reef and phanerogam meadows as well as a very small area of mangrove.

Lokobe - FAPBM


3 species

2 local endemics, one critically endangered (Nosy Be lepilemur) and the other endangered (Nosy Be microcebe), and 1 other endangered species (macaco lemur)


48 species

1 critically endangered (the Madagascar fish eagle) and 1 endangered


54 species

3 endangered, 8 vulnerable and 1 local endemic species classified as vulnerable


18 species

2 endangered, 2 vulnerable, and 3 local endemics species all classified as endangered


8 species

2 vulnerable (e.g., the Madagascar flying fox)


1 species

Other mammals

3 species


363 species

221 endemic to Madagascar among which 2 are critically endangered, 7 endangered and 6 vulnerable, 11 local endemic species of which 4 are critically endangered, 2 endangered and 1 vulnerable

Landscapes and habitats

lowland dense evergreen forest of the Sambirano phytogeographic domain, mangrove, secondary forests, coral reefs, phanerogam meadows

Pressures and threats

selective logging, poaching, destructive fishing

Economic value

Lokobe is irradiated by 12 small rivers providing clean water to the surrounding populations, and ensuring zqter for their irrigation needs.

Initiatives of the populations

Like all protected areas managed by MNP, the management of Lokobe National Park is collaborative with the participation of local community members in conservation and development activities. They are grouped in the CLP (local park committee) and COSAP (Protected Areas Orientation and Support Committee).

FAPBM contribution

FAPBM support for Lokobe National Park began in 2022 and mainly covers salary costs and some operating costs for the management unit.

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