Launched last May, the competition of small cultural projects “Art and Biodiversity” initiated by FAPBM in collaboration with the Association of artists, La Teinturerie, has reached its climax.
On Thursday, October 13, the artists presented to the public and the press the fruit of their stay at La Teinturerie in Ampasanimalo. These artists are the following:
Mozeration, a talented cartoonist from Diego Suarez who presented his work “I am Stupideman”. The comic strip features the characters of Jean Poluan, Le soleil and Makoa Bory, who are confronted with everyday situations, pushing them to do stupid things that harm the environment. The comic book will be available on line free and on Mozer’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Tokikycity ) for as many people as possible to read.
The Loko Association artists, namely Fad Madart, painter, street-artist and draftsman, Romuald, draftsman, portrait painter and painter,and Gianfranco Henri aka Steeve, freelance illustrator and 2D animator apprentice. These artists, all three from Diego Suarez, have created frescoes on the major tourist sites of Diego Suarez, including Ramena and Joffre City as part of their project Voa S’ary. The purpose of the frescoes is to show the beauty of Madagascar’s biodiversity and also to highlight the value of art and show how rich the country is, to make the population aware of the factors at stake such as illegal logging, pollution of the marine and terrestrial ecosystems, deforestation and artisanal and industrial mining.
ClipseTeean, a graffiti artist, has created frescoes and graffiti in a presentation entitled “I just wanna leaf” which can be admired at Ampasanimalo. His works represent some elements of Madagascar fauna and flora, as well as messages encouraging the protection of the environment, including the word “Arovy” represented by the echograffiti or blacklines technique.
The projects undertaken by the winners will reach an average of thousands of people directly and via the social media.
As a reminder, the Art and Biodiversity project consisted in awarding a grant to three artists or associations for the realization of works contributing to the awareness of the preservation of Madagascar biodiversity and protected areas.
The jury composed of personalities from the environment and art namely Luciano Andriamaharo, Delphine Andriantsitohaina, Herinambinintsoa Tsiry Nantenaina Rakotonindrina, Richianny Ratovo, and Roda Operman selected three projects. These projects were selected on the basis of five criteria, including the feasibility of the project, its ability to raise awareness on the role of biodiversity and protected areas, the number of people who will be affected by the project, its artistic originality and the presence of co-funders.
For this first edition, the Art and Biodiversity project attracted a dozen projects from artists and associations. The theme of the environment is attracting more and more young people from all parts the island. As a proof, the received files came from various regions of Madagascar, namely Analamanga and Diana, but also Atsinanana and Boeny.