Post at 31 May 2022

On the occasion of the celebration of the International Biodiversity Day on May 22, 2022, FAPBM supported the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development-MEDD’s awareness-raising actions through the production of a special program on E-SEE Magazine on the national TV channel TVM. At the same time, FAPBM launched a digital campaign “One day, one protected area” to promote the protected areas it supports.

The theme chosen for 2022, “Building a common future for all forms of life”, is in line with the momentum generated by the United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration, which reminds us of how biodiversity is the answer to several sustainable development challenges. The slogan conveys the message that nature-based solutions for climate, health, food and water security, and sustainable livelihoods are the foundation on which we can better build back.

The full program (in Malagasy) is available here: