Post at 21 October 2022

FAPBM was represented by its Executive Director, Alain Liva Raharijaona, at the 12th General Assembly of CAFÉ (Consortium of African Funds for the Environment). The event took place from September 12 to 16, 2022 in Douala (Cameroon). It brought together the 19 members of the consortium from 20 countries, as well as representatives of RedLAC, CAFÉ’s counterpart in Latin America.

Blended finance to support protected areas

CAFÉ members benefited from a 2-day training in blended finance by FinAfrique. Blended finance is an innovative approach to increase funding for protected areas. It involves blending grants and concessional funding with conventional market and private funding.

A new Board for CAFÉ

FAPBM welcomes the election of Théophile Zognou, (Cameroon) as President and Tapiwa Makiwa, (Namibia) as Vice-President of CAFÉ. Théophile Zognou takes over from Karen Price of Malawi, whose contributions to CAFÉ are gratefully acknowledged by members.

The new chair will continue advocating for better funding for Africa’s protected areas, primarily through conservation trust funds.