Post at 30 August 2022

Management and fundraising performance, support to an extended Protected Areas (PAs) list and performance monitoring of a PA network, and an independent national Conservation Trust Fund (CTF) working with a National Agency count as the three key strengths of FAPBM according to the results of a cross-cutting evaluation conducted by the French Development Agency (AFD) and the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM). The conclusions of the survey were officially presented on June 21 throughout a webinar, during which FAPBM shared its experience.


The evaluation presents a comparative analysis of eight CTFs in Africa, the Mediterranean and Central America, which together received 19 grants from AFD and the FFEM over the 2005-2019 period. The comparison criteria are based on: (i) the quality of the CTFs’ governance and management; (ii) the quality of the CTFs’ financial investments on the financial markets; and (iii) the CTFs’ impact on biodiversity conservation and PAs.


The report concludes that the CTFs studied are relevant for supplementing conservation funding, whether on a national or regional scale, on land as well as in the marine and coastal areas. In fact, as a complement to traditional resources, Trust Funds make it possible to provide additional, regular and long-term funding for protected areas.


The webinar can be reviewed here, and the study can be downloaded here.