Every year, May 22nd is celebrated as International Day for Biological Diversity. For 2017, the theme chosen is “biodiversity and sustainable tourism”. As an institution promoting and acting for the protection of the unique biodiversity of the Big Island, the Foundation for Protected Areas and Biodiversity of Madagascar (FAPBM) naturally joins in this celebration. The foundation thus works hand in hand with the Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests for the organization of the different events promoting the biodiversity of Madagascar.
Biodiversity: an endangered bedrock of life
However, due to the multiple pressures put on it, this biodiversity is threatened with extinction. This fact is bringing out the urgency to act for its protection.
FAPBM has decided to celebrate the International Day for Biological Diversity by raising awareness: “Some of us mistakenly think that we should focus on humans instead of protecting plants and animals. But what these people do not know is that the loss of latent biodiversity impacts their lives: droughts caused by a lack of rainfall, declining soil fertility, poor air quality are all consequences we are currently suffering from, “emphasizes Gérard RAMBELOARISOA, Executive Director of the Foundation.
Biodiversity: a “wealth” to be protected
70% of tourists visiting Madagascar are drawn to the country for the magnificence and endemicity of its biodiversity. This biodiversity is then a natural wealth that must be preserved. The Executive Director of FAPBM also specifies that “If biodiversity is not sustainable, there can be no sustainable tourism “.
With the latent loss of biodiversity, tourists will not come anymore in Madagascar. Thousands of jobs created by ecotourism are thus also threatened. Which means the drying up of sources of revenue, impacting the country’s economy.
In front of the threats weighing on this natural wealth of Madagascar, FAPBM calls everyone (individuals, state actors, current and potential partners) to strengthen their commitment to the conservation of these natural riches. Everyone at their level can act and contribute to developing the biodiversity of the Big Island.