Post at 9 July 2024

On 20 June 2024, FAPBM held its 22nd Annual Meeting of Contributors at its capital in Fort-Dauphin. This privileged meeting provided an opportunity to consolidate the foundations of its donors’ confidence and to review the past year to discuss prospects with its contributors. The event was also marked by a visit to the Andohahela National Park, a World Heritage Site, allowing participants to immerse themselves in the ecological wealth that FAPBM is working to protect.

Significant impact on biodiversity conservation

With the continued support of its donors, notably the German bank KfW, AFD – Agence Française de Développement, the Malagasy government through the Ministry of Finance, the World Bank, Conservation International and WWF, FAPBM has reached a crucial milestone in the growth of its activities. From 14.4 billion ariary at the end of 2022, FAPBM’s protected areas (PA) funding had grown to around 22.6 billion MGA by the end of 2023, thanks to its generous donors. The availability of these funds enabled FAPBM to support 16 additional protected areas, bringing the total number of protected areas financed in 2023 to 64, for a total protected area of 5.3 million hectares (70 in 2024).

True to its commitment to protected area communities, the development of FAPBM funding has not remained abstract but has had a significant impact on the quality of life of local populations, so much so that in 2023, 13.5 million people residing in peripheral areas of PAs financed by FAPBM benefited from the ecosystem services provided by these sites, three times as many as in the previous year (4.2 million in 2022).

FAPBM, a model for sustainable financing of protected areas

In addition to its long-standing partners, many institutions and foundations have strengthened their trust in FAPBM as the financial manager for their projects in Madagascar. FAPBM has renewed its collaboration with Re:wild, the Global Environment Facility and Conservation Allies, and received new funding from Hempel Foundation. Hempel Foundation in particular has become a strategic partner for the coming years, further strengthening FAPBM’s ability to carry out its conservation mission.

In addition to these positive results, the meeting of donors, which is guided by values in every aspect of its activities, was a perfect illustration of FAPBM’s fundamental principles. FAPBM is the first foundation to implement the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) as part of the management of protected areas and biodiversity conservation in Madagascar, underlining its commitment to sustainable and responsible practices.

These new initiatives are essential to continue and expand conservation efforts across Madagascar, ensuring that its unique biodiversity is protected for future generations. To contribute: