A team building of the GEF6-AMP project implementation consortium was organised in Majunga from 15 to 18 February 2022, with the participation of the MEDD team (which ensures the project technical management) led by Andriambelo Fara Mihanta, Deputy National Project Director, Mr Rémy Ratsimbazafy, Senior Marine Biodiversity Officer from WWF Madagascar (who is in charge of the project technical follow-up) and Elysabeth Razanamiarana, Project Management Consultant from FAPBM (who is in charge of the project financial management).
In a few words, GEF6-AMP is a 5-year project, to strengthen the governance of marine protected areas (MPAs) in Madagascar, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The project has the following objectives: (1) the establishment of an extensive, representative and sustainable network of coastal and marine protected areas and LMMAs (Locally Managed Marine Areas); (2) the establishment of a robust, enabling environment for MPAs and LMMAs, (3) the improvement of management effectiveness and the contribution of MPAs and LMMAs to sustainable development, and (4) the knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation of MPAs.
The aim of this team building was to strengthen the entire project team’s cohesion in order to facilitate collaboration within the management unit (PMU) and the consortium, and ultimately to achieve the project objectives. This blocked meeting therefore made it possible to identify the points to be improved by end 2021, and to draw up the 2022 operational work plan. For FAPBM, this participation implies a double challenge: to reinforce the collaboration with the PMU team and to have a better knowledge about the PMU’s commitment to the project implementation in order to guarantee the good management of the entrusted funds.