FAPBM is preparing to take over the GEF-Conservation International Boeny project which is scheduled to end in 2022. As of 2023, it will thus strengthen its funding for the protected areas of the Boeny Region (Western Madagascar). Funding for the protected areas of Ankarafantsika, Baie de Baly, Mahavavy Kinkony and Antrema will increase significantly, while the protected area of Bombetoka Belomboka will be included in its funding cycle for the first time.
Since 2019, the GEF6-CI project “Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the North-Western Madagascar Landscape, Boeny Region” has supported these five protected areas in the Boeny Region. To sustain the project’s impacts, a portion of the project funds (USD 4,500,000) contributed to the FAPBM endowment Fund. The income from this contribution will be allocated annually to the five protected areas in Boeny.
A positive result to be maintained in the long term
Serge Ratsirahonana, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer and Nathalie Bodonirina, Data Analyst of FAPBM went to Majunga to attend the last meeting of the GEF6-CI Steering Committee held from September 14 to 17, 2022.
At the time of the assessment, the stakeholders were satisfied with the impacts of the project, whether it be for Component 1 geared to conservation activities or Component 2 geared to supporting the communities. Examples include the increase in management scores (METTs) of the five PAs, the reduction in household food insecurity, and the increase in annual household income.
“Maintaining a sustainable improvement in the households’ living standard is a major challenge for FAPBM” shared Serge Ratsirahonana, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer.
Support to communities, an important area for improvement
The Executive Director, Alain Liva Raharijaona, conducted a field visit in the Boeny region at the end of august. He met local communities from Antrema an Mahavavy -Kinkony protected areas et discussed with the manager of Bombetoka. These sessions were to emphasize the importance of supporting community development and to listen to the local populations’ needs.
A common finding emerged from the discussions with the local communities: the needs converge towards strengthening investments to scale up their production as well as to identify and mobilize market options and product sales. However, it should be noted that the manager only plays a role as a catalyst for development. To achieve this objective, the involvement of all stakeholders is required.