Post at 25 January 2022

As the 2017-2021 FAPBM Five-Year Strategic Plan has come to an end, an external entity was commissioned to conduct an evaluation and support the development of a new plan for 2022-2026. The evaluation found that the overall objective of contributing to the ecological integrity of the funded protected areas was achieved. This overall objective was based on two pillars: a)  increase the contribution of FAPBM to the management costs of protected areas and b) improve the management indicators of the protected areas funded. The efforts made are significant , but so are the challenges.

Continuous loss of biodiversity, poor human development, and climate change, these age-old challenges have been exacerbated by the vulnerability inherent to the pandemic. To address these issues, the new 2022-2026 Strategic Plan of FAPBM, presented virtually on December 7, is built on 3 pillars:

  • Enhancing sustainable funding to the Madagscar ‘s Systeme of Protected Area (SAPM) by increasing its capital, and diversifying its donors;
  • Financing the SAPM to intensify impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem services, human well-being and climate change, through an increase in the number of protected areas supported and the funding dedicated to each protected area;
  • Strengthening the Foundation’s structure through more effective tools, policies and procedures, and internal and organizational capacity building.

This new strategic plan can be distinguished from the previous one in that it strengthens the effectiveness of protected areas to better meet the needs of communities. These ambitions cannot be achieved without the support of FAPBM’s partners whose sustained support it recognizes and requires.

The new strategic plan here