According to the FAPBM prioritisation manual of protected areas, the New protected area of Menabe Antimena (APMA) has been selected to integrate the Foundation’s financing cycle as from 2022. A second meeting with the managers was therefore organised from 16 to 18 February in Morondava to discuss in detail the annual work plans of each. Ranto Randriantsoa (Grants officer) and Bodonirina Nathalie (Research officer) formed the FAPBM team.
FAPBM future financing will focus on the parts of the protected area where Fanamby, Durrell and CNFEREF are active. Priority activities for conservation, management effectiveness, and financial sustainability of the protected area were discussed. More importantly, coordination of the activities conducted by the three stakeholders in the field was discussed. An initial due diligence mission has already been carried out by FAPBM to identify the problems and understand the complexity of the situation. Consultations with the various stakeholders have been carried out since October 2021 in order to see the possibilities of ensuring both relevance and efficiency of the financing that will be allocated by the Foundation for 2022.
The problem of the APMA deterioration lies in its governance and law enforcement. This situation coupled with the problem of migration, corruption and high market demand for corn and groundnuts have led to deforestation and the transformation of the Menabe Antimena forests into cultivated land. Through this sustainable financing from the income of its capital, the Foundation wishes to make its contribution to the “Save Menabe Antimena” project.