Mission and values

Our vision

For the next 10 years, FAPBM will consolidate its status as an internationally recognized “Conservation Trust Fund” and will be a strategic actor in the sustainable financing of the Madagascar Protected Areas System (SAPM).

Our mission

The FAPBM’s mission is to support Madagascar’s biodiversity conservation by promoting and financing the protected areas expansion, creation, protection and enhancement.

For the period 2022-2026, the mission of the FAPBM is to: (i) contribute to the sustainable financing of the SAPM, (ii) contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, the maintenance of ecosystem services, the well-being of the population, and the fight against climate change, and (iii) promote good management within the SAPM.


Our values


We are driven by our passion for nature. It is the primary motivation for all our decisions and actions. This passion pushes us to seek above all positive impacts on nature. This passion is reinforced by our firm belief that the unique nature of Madagascar is an exceptional wealth, for the Malagasy people and for humanity. We want this exceptional wealth to be preserved and passed on from generation to generation.


FAPBM is accountable to its contributors and the trust they place in it by ensuring the proper management of the funds entrusted to it. The Foundation is also accountable to all stakeholders by ensuring responsible management of biodiversity funding. Finally, the Foundation is accountable to present and future generations for preserving Madagascar's biodiversity. In carrying out its mission, the Foundation places particular emphasis on transparency.


FAPBM adheres to strict ethical rules such as anti-corruption and anti-discrimination in all its forms to ensure that its vision is achieved. The principles of good governance are applied at all levels to ensure that the decisions and actions taken to achieve its mission are as fair and equitable as possible to the interests of its stakeholders.

Conflict of interest management

In accordance with Article 2.3b of the Statutes, the Foundation shall refrain from incurring obligations or making payments that represent, or appear to represent, an existing and potential conflict of interest.
Under the provisions of Article 22.1 of the Rules of procedures, Board members and Executive Management may not become personally, professionally or financially involved in business relations concerning the Foundation or find themselves in a situation where they could make a financial profit from the Foundation's activities.

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