Support for strengthening protected areas

FAR – AP objectives

The Support Fund for Strengthening of Protected Areas or FAR-AP is a Fund intended to support the PAs for the acquisition of additional and / or complementary knowledge that is necessary following developments and / or changes in contexts.

It is therefore intended to perform the following activities:


on conservation or non-conservation target species, which of interest for PA, and which require further investigations as to their state (viability, local specific variability, distribution, etc.).


Feasibility studies (ex: protected area re-delimitation …), data updating (ex: specific inventory after fire, …), organization of workshops or meetings to ensure the management of an unforeseen crisis (land conflict related to a change in socio-economic context, etc.). These activities were not planned in the current PTA (Annual work plan), but their importance is proven during the year to allow the successful achievement of planned activities.

Acquiring new knowledge

on the protected area management, new technologies for the protected area management (SMART, remote detection and GIS, aerial monitoring, GLAD, etc.).

Eligible interventions shall be ad hoc and respond to unpredictable situations. The activity achievement will provide basic solutions that will serve to strengthen the PA viability. The FAR – AP is different from the FIS in that it more search for solutions oriented through the knowledge contribution, the search for innovation and new ideas creation. As a result, the expected results will feed into the PA manager’s intervention strategy in the future to allow more efficient, relevant and sustainable management. Failure to take into account or not carry out the activity would run the risk of impacting the PA medium- and long-term management. Access to this grant may be based on identified needs during the implementation of a current activity.


All policies applicable to the other Foundation donations management are also applicable to FAR – AP. The average processing time for an application is 2 to 3 weeks. This depends on the exchanges between the Foundation and the applicant.

Eligibility criteria

  • – PA legally created;
  • – Having PAG and PGESS management tools available;
  • – Annual work plan with budget;
  • – Activity relevance justification for which funding is requested from the Foundation;
  • – Additional added value justification provided by requested activities management;
  • – Positive impact justification brought about by carrying out the activity in order to strengthen the protected area management.

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