Post at 23 December 2022

FAPBM is striving to support one of the most important forest blocks in western Madagascar. Over the last 12 months, it has granted a significant amount of money to maintain the remaining forest cover of Menabe Antimena protected area (western Madagascar, Menabe Region). In 2022, FAPBM counts no fewer than 5 site visits to prepare and follow up its funding for the protected area of Menabe Antimena.


The importance of FAPBM’s investment is explained by the importance of the benefits provided by this forest block. Menabe Antimena dense dry forest helps secure water for local communities. On the Bemaraha and Alley of baobabs axis, Menabe Antimena welcomes thousands of tourists every year, an income benefitting local populations. It alsopreserves a forest of mangroves and two RAMSAR wetlands: Lake Bedo and the Tsiribihina Delta. Its ecosystem is home to unique species, such as the Microcebus Berthae, the world’s smallest primate.



A FIS to restrain fires by the end of 2021


At the end of 2021, FAPBM responded favorably to a request for a special intervention fund (FIS) from Fanamby, which is in charge of managing a parcel in the protected area. FAPBM covered fire-fighting costs from November toJanuary.


Thanks to this funding, Fanamby was able to strengthen patrols in the core of the protected area. This funding was critical as it enabled green patrol to pursue offenders, it supporting authorities and partners with arrests, and importantly also it made coordinating between fire officials and stakeholders possible so that fires were put out safely and effectively.


Annual grants to secure the protected area in 2022


In 2022, FAPBM increased its funding its annual grants portfolio to include more actors working directly and daily at important protected area. To date, these are Madagascar National Parks (MNP), Fanamby and Durrell, and discussions are underway for the case of CNFEREF. Given the urgency of the situation caused by reduced income related to the pandemic, FAPBM funding has been used primarily for locally-based agents salaries, protected area security activities, including mixed brigades, restoration of degraded landscapes and biodiversity conservation.


Also, further to the recent completion of the multi-sectoral validation at the national level and the Five-YearDevelopment and Management Plan (PAG) of Menabe Antimena, a five-year agreement will continue support continuation of this initial contribution. It will endorse the recurrence and sustainability of annual funding from 2023.

Emergency Fund for the 2022 Mid-Year Fire Season


In June 2022, FAPBM anticipating increased threat levels, particularly from forest fires, the fund invited partners to submit their needs based on their understanding of evolving situations, MNP Fanamby and Durrell identified important areas surrounding migrant settlements.


A contingency plan was submitted to FAPBM and funding was granted. Thanks to this funding, so that many law enforcement officers will be deployed effectively when needed. Also, active fire-fighters will be supported with supply/resupply of water and communities mobilization.


Encouraging interim results


An intermediate monitoring-evaluation and internal control mission was conducted by Serge Ratsirahonana(Monitoring-Evaluation Officer) and Evah Ralalarisoa (Internal Control Officer) during the last quarter of 2022 toassess the first impacts of the funding.


Over the past two years, the number of fire points shows a declining trend and the size of areas affected by fire has been reduced. Impacts have yet to be quantified. The funding has essentially maintained the regularity of patrols and contributed to the achievement of these results. Securing the employment of officers and significantly increasing the frequency of patrols have proven to be paramount in anticipating fire activity.