GEF6-AMPs: The list of selected projects to discover

Projets à découvrir - FAPBM

The call for projects “Support to Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs)” launched by the GEF6-AMPs project identified seven pilot initiatives, which are currently in the process of compliance. The GEF6-AMPs project, “Expanding and Consolidating Madagascar’s Network of Marine Protected Areas” aims to ensure that Madagascar’s marine biodiversity and productivity are effectively managed through a sustainable and resilient national network of MPAs and also contributes to Madagascar’s commitments under the Sydney pledge to triple the size of MPAs. The project is financed by the Global Environment Facility with USD 6 million for the 2020-2024 period. It is implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), with technical support from WWF. Financial management is provided by FAPBM. Additional financial support for protected areas Launched in July 2022, the call for projects will grant each selected projects with an amount of between USD 40,000 and USD …

GEF6-CI Boeny Project: Preparation for the funding take over by FAPBM

Boeny - FAPBM

FAPBM is preparing to take over the GEF-Conservation International Boeny project which is scheduled to end in 2022. As of 2023, it will thus strengthen its funding for the protected areas of the Boeny Region (Western Madagascar). Funding for the protected areas of Ankarafantsika, Baie de Baly, Mahavavy Kinkony and Antrema will increase significantly, while the protected area of Bombetoka Belomboka will be included in its funding cycle for the first time. Since 2019, the GEF6-CI project “Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the North-Western Madagascar Landscape, Boeny Region” has supported these five protected areas in the Boeny Region. To sustain the project’s impacts, a portion of the project funds (USD 4,500,000) contributed to the FAPBM endowment Fund. The income from this contribution will be allocated annually to the five protected areas in Boeny. A positive result to be maintained in the long term Serge Ratsirahonana, Monitoring and Evaluation …

GEF6-MPA Project: From Key Biodiversity Areas to Marine Protected Areas

Extension des aires protégées - FAPBM

Madagascar is committed to tripling the size of its marine protected areas, a commitment made at the World Parks Congress in Sydney in 2014. Thus, the GEF6-MPA project “Extension and Consolidation of Madagascar’s Marine Protected Areas” is currently undertaking the process of identifying and re-assessing the marine and coastal KBAs. Wherever nature provides vital services for development, it must be protected. Extending the Madagascar Protected Areas System to these Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) would preserve these places from pressures and threats, while ensuring the provision of ecosystem services for the local populations. The KBAs identified by IUCN and its partners in Madagascar currently number 233 sites. The GEF6-Marine Protected Area project approach Financed by the GEF, the GEF6-MPA project, whose implementing agency is WWF US, has a 5-year duration. It is executed by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) with WWF Madagascar as technical support and FAPBM in …

Continuation of the call for GEF6-MPA projects

Appel à projet - FAPBM

Within the framework of the GEF6-AMP Project “Extension and Consolidation of the Marine Protected Areas of Madagascar”, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) and its partners (WWF and FAPBM) launched a call for projects, addressed to existing marine protected areas and locally managed marine areas. Initially, prospective grantee were asked to write a concept note for their proposed project. The grants are worth 40,000 USD to 60,000 USD per project, for a duration of 36 months. Launched on July 8, 2022, the submission of concept notes was closed on August 8, 2022. The grant themes are : Increase and diversification of sustainable income sources; Improving community resilience; Improving management efficiency through essential infrastructure and equipment, as well as the development and deployment of management tools suitably adapted to local conditions. Information sessions were held in Antananarivo, Toliary, Fénérive-Est, Antsiranana and Morondava to ensure the most extended participation of the …

Upcoming launch of a call for proposals for Marine Protected Areas

Baleine - Fapbm

The GEF6-AMP project “Extension and Consolidation of the Network of Madagascar Marine Protected Areas “, for which WWF US is the donor and FAPBM the financial mechanism, will soon launch a call for proposals in favour of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). This call will aim to strengthen the management effectiveness of MPAs while improving the living conditions of local communities. The call for proposals will be published in the media and on social networks. Stay tuned. …

Rise of the project “Extension and consolidation of Madagascar’s marine protected areas GEF6-MPA”


Year 2022 promises to be a busy one for the implementation consortium of GEF6-MPA Project. Funded by Global Environment Fund (GEF), GEF6 MPA, is a 5-year term project, implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) together with WWF Madagascar for technical support and FAPBM who is in charge of financial management. The project is starting this Year 2 the re-evaluation of marine and coastal Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in order to develop the roadmap for the identification of area-based Other Effective Conservation Measures (OECMs). This step is decisive for Component 1, “Establishment of an Extensive, Representative and Sustainable Network of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas and locally managed marine areas (LMMAs)“. In parallel, based on the results of the study on the analysis of the types of governance and management contracts of MPAs and LMMAs, as well as the regional consultations on the state of the art …

GEF6-AMP: Strengthening team cohesion to achieve project objectives

GEF - Fapbm

A team building of the GEF6-AMP project implementation consortium was organised in Majunga from 15 to 18 February 2022, with the participation of the MEDD team (which ensures the project technical management) led by Andriambelo Fara Mihanta, Deputy National Project Director, Mr Rémy Ratsimbazafy, Senior Marine Biodiversity Officer from WWF Madagascar (who is in charge of the project technical follow-up) and Elysabeth Razanamiarana, Project Management Consultant from FAPBM (who is in charge of the project financial management). In a few words, GEF6-AMP is a 5-year project, to strengthen the governance of marine protected areas (MPAs) in Madagascar, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The project has the following objectives: (1) the establishment of an extensive, representative and sustainable network of coastal and marine protected areas and LMMAs (Locally Managed Marine Areas); (2) the establishment of a robust, enabling environment for MPAs and LMMAs, (3) the improvement of management effectiveness …

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